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Vantage runs on AWS

Access Vantage on the AWS Marketplace as a...

Hosted SaaS

Omnivector hosts and maintains the Vantage platform as a multi-tenant, publicly accessible HPC workbench. Deploy hybrid workloads that span cloud and on-site resources in a matter of seconds using the hosted Vantage SaaS. Select the Vantage SaaS offering in the AWS Marketplace to begin using Vantage now.

Learn more about Vantage SaaS

Container Service

Strong, Stable, Secure. Vantage runs in your AWS environment when the Container Service product is selected. When access control and data governance are priorities, the Vantage Container Service on the AWS Marketplace enables you to stay compliant with access control restrictions and data governance requirements.

Learn more about the Vantage Container Service

As a SaaS

Dive into Vantage right away by subscribing to hosted Vantage on the AWS Marketplace. Using hosted Vantage allows your organization to offload overhead and rest assured that Vantage will be enterprise ready 99.999% of the time.

Hosted Vantage enables the provisioning of hybrid workloads that span on-site and cloud infrastructures. Start reducing time-to-market by signing up for the Vantage SaaS on the AWS Marketplace today.

Vantage as a SaaS on AWS Marketplace
Vantage screenshot

As a Container Service

Vantage screenshot

Deploy Vantage within your AWS environment by subscribing to the Vantage Container Service available on the AWS Marketplace. Once subscribed, Vantage is seamlessly integrated into EKS within your AWS cloud.

Using Vantage as a container service not only simplifies access management but also ensures full data ownership and privacy within the Vantage databases, empowering customers with control and security.

Vantage as a Container Service on AWS Marketplace